What is ABA Therapy?
It is a scientific approach to understanding behavior; Applied Behavior
What is a BCBA (Board Certified Behavior Analyst)?
A Board Certified Behavior Analyst, or BCBA, is a graduate-level
What is a Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)?
Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) have a paraprofessional certification in behavior
Why ABA therapy?
Although reducing behavioral challenges and developing skills are important, the
When is the best time for my child to begin ABA therapy?
The earlier, the better. Plenty of clinical research has demonstrated
What Kind of Progress Can Be Expected with ABA?
Competently delivered ABA intervention can help learners with autism make
My child is verbal. Does he/she still need ABA therapy?
Yes. ABA therapy is not just for nonverbal children. ABA
What is my role as a parent in the ABA program?
We request parents participate in their child’s program as much
How can you help me navigate public school, ARDs and IEPs?
Collaboration with the school is vital but can sometimes be
Does my child have to have a formal autism diagnosis to get treatment?
Children are not required to have a diagnosis for treatment
Will my insurance cover ABA therapy?
Each insurance plan is different and must be thoroughly evaluated
What documents will be required?
In order to check benefits and obtain authorization, we will
I have insurance. Why am I being asked to pay?
Your patient responsibility portion depends on your insurance coverage. During
Can I pay my bill at the time of my appointment?
Yes. You can pay your statement via your parent portal